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发布日期:2022-01-23 17:07 浏览次数:
  On January 18, 2022, the first "no tile removal" building-photovoltaic integrated project in Zhejiang Province, independently developed and constructed by State Grid Zhoushan Power Supply Company, officially put into operation. This project can not only improve the utilization rate of roof area, but also retain color steel tiles on the rooftop, effectively reduce the risk of working at heights and has widely promotion potential.
  The project is located in IMC Shipping (Zhoushan) Co.,Ltd..And after the grid connection, it is expected to generate 6.5 million kWh of electricity per year, which is equivalent to saving 2,626 tons of raw coal consumption and nearly 5,148 tons of carbon dioxide emission, save over 3 million yuan in electricity bills every year for the enterprise, and contribute to the development of clean energy in Zhoushan.
  Zhoushan has more than 1,300 hours of annual solar energy utilization, one of the best sunshine conditions in Zhejiang. After several round of technological evolution, photovoltaic power generation has become an important clean energy source for building the new type of power system in Zhoushan.
  The traditional photovoltaic power generation system needs to be attached to the rooftop of the building, by building cement piers and installing photovoltaic panel brackets, which requires high load-bearing capacity of the building rooftop. According to statistics, one square meter of photovoltaic panels needs to build two cement piers with a total weight of more than 250 kg. On this basis, the weight of the photovoltaic panels and their brackets is about 300 kg, which greatly limits the application scope of rooftop photovoltaics.
  Keeping pace with the times, the building-photovoltaic integrated system came into being. This technology uses photovoltaic modules to replace certain building materials, and combines the photovoltaic system support structure with the building structure. On the basis of improving the safety and stability of photovoltaic facilities, it promotes the integration of thermal insulation components of the building and photovoltaic power generation functions. By absorbing solar energy and converting it into electrical energy, it can play an active role in energy conservation and environmental protection such as reducing the temperature of roofs and walls, improving indoor temperature, and reducing building energy consumption. At the same time, the building-photovoltaic integrated system is equipped with a complete roof drainage system, so that the building roof and photovoltaic modules can achieve the same product life, ensure a service life of more than 25 years under natural conditions, to further reduce the maintenance and replacement costs of roof color steel tiles. In addition, the building-photovoltaic integrated system adopts the method of tiling the photovoltaic panels on the rooftop, which increases the utilization rate by more than 70%, doubles the installed capacity of power generation, compared to the traditional inclined installation mode, and further beautifies the external image of the building.
  Compared with the long-term economic advantages of laying a new photovoltaic rooftop in new buildings, the cost of removing the original color steel tiles on the rooftop is expensive. Taking IMC Shipping (Zhoushan) Co.,Ltd. as an example, with a roofop area of 10,560 square meters, the cost of removing color steel tiles is about 1 million yuan, about 12.7% of the overall project cost, which is frequently encountered difficulty in the market promotion of building-photovoltaic integrated systems.
  Thus, State Grid Zhoushan Power Supply Company innovatively developed the "no tile removal" building-photovoltaic integrated system installation method, which is to lay a drainage system based on the "filled-in" color steel tile roofop, and install the photovoltaic panels by penetrating color steel tiles to make the bracket firmly connected to the rooftop steel structure. On the one hand, it can save about 30% of the installation cost; on the other hand, "no tile removal" means that not only the reduction of safety risks of working at heights and the difficulties of construction work, and also avoid the loss of the enterprises during the construction process, which will greatly promote the rooftop photovoltaic projects in Zhoushan.